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The Darby

The Darby

Partying with celebrities

Everyone has a favorite celebrity they adore and love. Even celebrities have their own favorite celebrities. Well, wouldn't it be fun enjoying the New York nightlife with your favorite celebrity. Imagine dancing the night away, breathing the same air, ordering the same cuisine as your favorite celebrity. Wouldn't that be a memorable moment?


Well, thanks to the Darby, you can party with your favorite celebrities. Renowned for being the local celebrity hub, the Darby hosts thousands of guests each month. The Darby allows all commoners a chance to enjoy the evening with their favorite celebrities.

Location: 244 West 14th Street, New York City, New York, 10011
Visit Website: View Website
Phone: 212-242-4411
Counties Served:
244 West 14th Street, New York City, New York, 10011