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Philadelphia Slick

Philadelphia Slick

Infectious Lyrics & Danceable Beats!

By the band name, it is not too hard to figure out where they're from - Philadelphia Slick is one of the best hip hop bands in Philadelphia!  Entertaining crowds with danceable beats and awesome lyrics for six years, Philadelphia Slick puts on a show that you will never forget.  With live horns, addictive rhythms, cover songs and original composition, Philadalphia Slick has unbelievable talent and charisma!


You can listen to their great tunes by going to their website, and you can purchase their CD's at their store.  They also have a list of all their upcoming shows, so be sure to check out when the next show is near you, and stop by for a memorable time!

Location: 31 North Wiota Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19104
Visit Website: View Website
Phone: Not Available
Counties Served:
31 North Wiota Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19104