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The Pottery Works

The Pottery Works

The Pottery Works

The Pottery Works

Customizable Deals on Pottery Painting Parties!

The Pottery Works offers customizable party options that are sure to fit anyone's pottery painting birthday needs! They have a great range of clay-works for you to paint, from bowls, to football piggy banks, to tea kettles, to mermaids and more! Their parties have no time limit; paint as long as you need to! With a fun staff to assist you, no hassle clean up, and options for pizza and cake, they might just have the best deal on pottery painting parties in PA!

This is a pottery paining party you'll never forget - especially after you pick up your pottery pieces and keep them forever! Why not check out their website for pricing and details, and check out their galleries for colorful pictures of past creations?

Serving Lancaster County - Parties At Our Location!

Location: 16 West Orange Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603
Visit Website: View Website
Phone: 717-299-9963
Counties Served:
16 West Orange Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603

The Pottery Works

A Lovely Pottery and Bead Shop in Lancaster!

Located in downtown Lancaster, The Pottery Works inspires creativity in visitors of all ages.  Within the store you can make your own bracelets, necklaces, and earrings.  Even if you've never made a piece of jewelry before, the cordial staff will be glad to assist you.  At the end of the day, you can take your piece home with you!

Learn new beading and pottery painting techniques at one of the fun-filled workshops.  Host an awesome bead party at the store, and take advantage of one of the great party packages!

Location: 16 West Orange Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603
Visit Website: View Website
Phone: 717-299-9963
Counties Served:
16 West Orange Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603

The Pottery Works

Paint Pottery Pieces or Bead Jewelry in Central PA

The Pottery Works has every tool and material you will need to create a unique piece of art! Choose from over 250 pieces of pottery, 150 glazes, stencils, stamps, and more. When you are finished creating your pottery you can pick it up a week later to take home. You can also create accessories such as bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. Training and assistance is available for those who have never made jewelry before and these pieces can be taken home the same day you make them!

Bead parties and pottery parties may be scheduled to fit your needs. Workshops are taught to learn new pottery painting and beading techniques. Contact for more information.

Location: 16 West Orange Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603
Visit Website: View Website
Phone: 717-299-9963
Counties Served:
16 West Orange Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603