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Double Action Indoor Range

Double Action Indoor Range

Professional, High-tech Archery Ranges in PA!

This indoor range is well-lit, air conditioned and sound-proofed and has two archery lanes up to 30 yards each. Enjoy archery as a member for $150 a year, or as a non-member at $12 per hour. Though archery classes are not offered, staff are always available to advise and assist.

A truly modern facility, Double Action also offers a pistol shooting range with electric target retrieval, adjustable lighting and optimally effective ventilation units. The Double Action store stocks ammunition, firearms and shooting accessories. Open 7 days a week. Mon - Fri 9am - 8pm; Sat 10am - 8pm; Sunday noon - 6pm.


Location: 611 Industrial Park Drive, Yeadon, PA, 19050
Visit Website: View Website
Phone: 610-626-2995
Counties Served:
611 Industrial Park Drive, Yeadon, PA, 19050