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Allegheny Cellars Winery

Allegheny Cellars Winery

Allegheny Cellars Winery

At Allegheny Cellars Winery you can take your time and browse the many wine related gifts they have to offer as well. You may just find that perfect gift for someone special. 


You can taste Red wines, Blush wines, White wines, Fruit wines. “Bigfoot Shadows “ is their biggest seller and award winner, taste it and find out why. This winery, with its nature and wildlife theme is a true experience for wine lovers. A visit to Allegheny Cellars Winery is something you will not regret! This wine making vineyard in PA is wonderful.

Location: 4772 Route 6 , Sheffield, PA, 16347
Visit Website: View Website
Phone: 814-968-5812
Counties Served:
4772 Route 6 , Sheffield, PA, 16347